Oct 10, 2012

elf Python Collection nail polish - Oxblood Red Crelly

So I saw the elf Python collection for Fall in Target and I had to pick up a couple of nail polishes. The bottles are really cool, rounded with a snakeskin pattern on the cap.

This one is a perfect Oxblood shade, which I had been looking for. It's a rich, vampy, almost burgundy red jellyish creme (crelly), which is truly reminiscent of the colour of blood. The true colour is a little darker than the in the photos. It has no name, not even a numeric code differentiating the shade. There is a code on it, and I've seen some people assume that this is the code for the shade, but all of the polishes have the SAME number on them. So for my own purposes, I have named this Oxblood Red Crelly (ridiculously ingenious, amirite?).


 See that code? Yep, it's exactly the same on all of the polishes.

The formula is sooooo buttery, it's extremely easy to apply and looks gorgeously smooth and shiny even without topcoat. The only gripe I have is that it smells BAD. It's stronger than the 3 or 5 free polishes that I have, so I'm wondering what exactly is in it that makes it smell so strongly. It does go away after application, though.

Have you picked up any of these shades yet? Or anything else from the Python Collection? I am still on the lookout for the Warm Python pallette, they are sold out in my local Target.


  1. How have I not seen these yet? I am lovin' the bottle handle!!

  2. Me too! They look so awesome.

  3. Pretty color, too bad that they smell so awful!  Have you tried Essie Bordeaux, it looks like a similar color minus the smell.

  4. I haven't, I'll have to check it out! Thanks for your recommendation :)


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