Mar 23, 2011

Geo Olive Honey Wing Circle Lens Review

Hi Beauties :)

Here is another post in the 'Gyaru on a budget' series.
Some people think that Gyaru is just a style for young girls, and Mamas or anyone older than 20 can't pull it off. To them I say "HA!" Tsubasa-chan, one of the biggest Gyaru models, has a son and is still getting her Gyaru on! If she can do it, then certainly we can :) That's not to say you should follow the look obsessively (although you can, of course, if you want to!). I like to approach it this way.. take what you like from the look and adapt it to your personal taste. That way it looks much more natural and suitable for you (and we don't all have the time/money to maintain such an extravagant look.. as much as some of us may want to!).

Circle lenses are huge in Korea, Japan and many other Asian countries. They brighten your eyes and make them look larger; giving the 'Dolly Eye' look so prevalent in Gyaru styles. These are topics that have been covered a lot, so I'm not going to go too in depth unless someone asks me to specifically :)

I didn't want to go through a lot of hassle, time wasting and money to get some cute lenses so I researched a few different websites that sold circle lenses and shipped to the US. imports their circle lenses directly from South Korea and ships them from the US, so if you are stateside it will only take about 4 days for shipping, as opposed to weeks when you order from a company based in Asia.

I ordered one pair, the Honey Wing lenses @ $19.90 + $2.50 s&h (the cheapest shipping I've seen so far).  The lenses came with a free pink, blue and white lense case, very cute!

Type: Geo Olive (Honey Wing) Series
Diameter: 14mm
Base curve: 8.6mm
Water content: 38~42%
Disposable: 1 year

I am a newb at putting in contact lenses, so I managed to poke myself in the eye with my nail... #notwinning.

  • They are pretty comfortable, I wore them for about 7 hours and sometimes forgot I was wearing them
  • They look very natural, giving my eyes a glistening shine and slight enlargement.
  • They make my eyes stand out more
  • The pattern is very pretty close up
  • They are a little TOO close to my natural eye colour. I was hoping they would lighten my eyes up a little.
  • The pattern is a little subtle, so although it is pretty it doesn't stand out that much.

Overall I would recommend these if you want a really natural look for brown eyes, that gives a sparkle and slight enlargement. If you have lighter coloured eyes these will give you a really pretty natural looking change.

I think next time I'll try a grey lense.
For me, KawaiiLoveBeauty is a great choice for affordable circle lenses. They have a wide variety and really reasonable shipping. One little problem I have with the site is that sometimes it is a bit slow to load, but that may be my browser.

Have you ever tried circle lenses? What do you think of the look?

Ishah xx

NOTE: Always see a doctor to determine whether contacts are suitable for you.


  1. I love these on you Ishah. It's subtle, but beautiful! I don't think I'd ever get a pair of lenses though. It's hard enough for me to remember to put on my regular contacts that I need for driving much less lenses that are for purely aesthetic reasons.

  2. Thank you! I only really wear these for special occasions, to give my eyes an extra pop :) I love the look though, hopefully other colours will look nice too!

  3. oh this post answered my questions !!! :))) they look really amazing, thanks for sharing with us! and I'm definitely going to consider these, for my first circle lense purchase, because I want a natural effect, nothing dramatic for my brown eyes. :))) They look awesome! ^_^

  4. I think for your first circle lenses, these are a great buy! They are natural enough so you can get used to wearing them :)

  5. I also think this is a great purchase for your 1st circle lenses but as you said...maybe they are a little too close to your eyes color.

    (I love Gyaru style!!)

  6. Those are really pretty! I checked out a few more of your posts (and also followed!) and you remind me a lot of Kim Kardashian! You're so pretty. (:

  7. Those are really pretty! I checked out a few more of your posts (and also followed!) and you remind me a lot of Kim Kardashian! You're so pretty. (:

  8. Thank you! I only really wear these for special occasions, to give my eyes an extra pop :) I love the look though, hopefully other colours will look nice too!

  9. I love these on you Ishah. It's subtle, but beautiful! I don't think I'd ever get a pair of lenses though. It's hard enough for me to remember to put on my regular contacts that I need for driving much less lenses that are for purely aesthetic reasons.

  10. Thank you so much! I love Kim :)


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