May 7, 2013

Polish Days: The Number 5.

This Polish Days theme is the Number 5, and it's completely and utterly perfect for me.

This month is my 5th wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's already been 5 years since my husband and I were married :) It's been ups and downs, difficulties and lots of precious moments and I wouldn't change the last 5 years for anything.

To commemorate this happy occasion, I decided to put a few things together in a manicure that mean a lot to me.

1.The beautiful rose shade with pink shimmer is OPI We Met On The Internet; a polish I just had to have as soon as I heard the name. My husband and I met way back in 04 on a website called Gaia Online, a community forum for anime geeks like us. We then reluctantly (since we were both against internet relationships) fell in love.
2. The Kleancolor moon glitter polish was part of my anniversary gift from my husband, he said it reminded him of Sailor Moon - one of my lifetime obsessions.
3. The moons and roses are a tribute to Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask's love! The best love story ever, my husband is my very own Tuxedo Mask :p

The manicure is two coats of OPI We Met On The Internet, with one dabbed coat of Kleancolor Pinky Moon except on the ring finger. The ring finger is two coats of China Glaze Glistening Snow with freehanded roses done in We Met On The Internet, WnW Black Creme for the swirls and Sinful Colors Open Seas for the leaves.

I hope you like my interpretation of the 5 theme! :)


  1. I'm glad the theme was perfect for someone! Lovely mani xx

  2. Inky Whiskers5/07/2013 3:02 PM

    Me likey!

  3. Oh, what a sweet manicure and story! This one was just right for you. Congrats on 5 years, you two seem perfect for each other :D

  4. I love your romantic manicure :)
    Happy anniversary!

  5. Awww happy anniversary huny, your mani is absolutely beautiful!

    Aysh xox


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