Nov 8, 2012

Matte Purple Gradient mani for Nov 8 NOH8 Day!

As some of you may know, there has been a bit of nastiness in the blogging community lately, specifically the nail polish blogosphere. I am all for constructive criticism, but when a group of you are banding together and making people feel bad about something they should enjoy (ie nail blogging) that just smacks of straight up bullying and clique-iness. To play it off as a joke is easy, but jokes that make people feel bad and put down their self-confidence are still bullying. Giving advice and encouraging new bloggers to give it their best and improve is the ONLY way we should be doing things. Therefore, I have joined the Nov 8 NOH8 Day initiative!

Bullying is not funny. It is not cool. It is not right. And more importantly, it is not okay. 
Most of us are, thankfully, residents of countries that support tolerance and many of our families have settled in these places simply for that reason. Generations later, it is our responsibility to perpetuate that message of tolerance across our new social platforms, including the internet.
As members of the nail polish (and beauty) blogging community, we all share a love of beauty, color, and lacquer. Other than that, we are remarkably different: from our race to our religion to our hair color...even to our polish application techniques. To marginalize anyone because of those differences is completely unacceptable and today I take a stand against that. I refuse to allow other people's view of "normal" dictate how I behave, believe, and blog. 
In solidarity with a multitude of bloggers linked below, my purple manicure represents my proud commitment to the No H8 movement. Today, November 8, I dedicate my post to ending bullying of any kind and to encouraging diversity and imperfection among our colorful community.

Here is my purple mani! I did a matte purple and white sponge gradient, with a white heart accent nail... because as a community, we should be about LOVE :D So cheesy, but I mean it! I love my blogging community, there are many awesome people that I have met and that have supported me in this journey. I am not perfect, there are many times when someone could have cut me down and said nasty things, but I have been lucky in receiving only constructive criticism.

Check out the other posts for Nov 8 NOH8 Day.


  1. disqus_tucdlnRBIh11/08/2012 3:33 PM

    Love the gradient! So gorgeous!

  2. Jennie Johansson11/08/2012 3:38 PM

    What a great initiative, I signed!! Bullying is terrible and so very outdated! The nails are really nice and extra plus for the hearts ^^/ . I also came here to tell you of a giveaway on my blog, nothing "big" but just as I celebrate reading and my blog goes well with a bookmark :) Have a beautiful day! / Jennie

  3. Lani Maverick11/08/2012 3:47 PM

    Very cute!


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