Sep 4, 2012

Labor Day Fun! Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails.

It was the Labor Day holiday this past Monday, so we went down to the lake to eat fish & chips, enjoy the sunset and try the new Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails.

I got the opportunity to try these cocktails through SheSpeaks, just in time for Labor Day. They come in 3 flavours, Blackberry MerlotStrawberry White Zinfandel and White Pear Pinot Grigio.

Basically, you put them in the freezer for about 5 hours, take them out and gently massage them a bit, before pouring into your glass. Each pouch is probably 1-2 drinks, depending on how big you like your drinks lol. I don't drink much (especially not at the moment), but I had a tiny bit of each and they were absolutely delicious! I have tried frozen margaritas before and these are a similar concept, if you like wine coolers these might be more to your taste. If you don't like wine coolers, these are STILL going to be to your taste... as I said, they are DELICIOUS! The Strawberry was my favourite, I am SUCH a sucker for strawberries! What I like about these pouches is that although they are the same alcohol level as Arbor Mist wines (6%), they don't taste harsh at all. They are tasty and smooth, while still tasting like an alcoholic beverage. The fruity taste is not artificial at all, the flavours actually taste like the fruits they are supposed to be i.e. the Blackberry tastes like blackberry, White Pear tastes like pear etc etc.... The only thing you need to be aware of is that you definitely need to drink them while frozen and in this heat, it wont take long for them to melt. Unless you keep them in ice, you should definitely drink them straight out of the freezer.

Here are some pics of the Strawberry and White Pear flavours in my teeny, tiny glass!

Strawberry White Zinfandel

Lol, tried to get fruity with an orange wedge... as you can see, it dwarfed my glass.

White Pear Pinot Grigio

ze Lake

Me, trying to be high class with my wine :p

As I can't really drink at this present time (lol so cryptic), I had my teeny glass of each flavour and my husband drank the rest. If you think males can't enjoy these, think again! He really liked them as well and they were strong enough for him not to consider them sugar water, hehe. Arbor Mist frozen cocktails are awesome for these hot days and nights, throw a bunch (frozen) in your ice chest and have them at your next pool party ;) I saw a bunch of them at Walmart for under $2 a pouch, definitely cheaper than going out for cocktails.

What did you get up to this past weekend? Do you have a favourite summer beverage?

Product sent for review.

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