Apr 6, 2011

Target Samples and O.P.I. Glam Slam from my sister!

Hey Beauties, just a quick one to show you the cool samples I got from Target (remember this post?) and a little gift my sister sent me:

The first O.P.I. Serena Williams Grand Glam Slam Duo! (Everyone [including me] has been calling this 'Grand Slam'.. When it's actually 'Glam Slam'.. wth).

This is Simply Smash-ing! and Black Shatter. They were released for the Australian Open, so I can feel nice and patriotic wearing them.

I'm super late getting this, the nail polish bloggers have had it for a few months now. But as it was only just released in January, it's still relevant ;) Can't wait to try them out!

Also, my Target samples arrived today! I love getting free stuff in the mail. My #1 son, CMjr, said it best.. When he saw the packages he immediately yelled "Presents, mama!! Presents!!" :)

They came in this really cute case. I think I will be using it in my purse, for all the makeup that's currently strewn around in the bottom.

They put in a coupon book (some pretty good ones!), a sample of Revlon Colorburst Lipgloss in Hot Pink, a sample of Fekkai Shea Butter Moisturizing Shampoo and Conditioner, a mini Nivea Express Hydration Body Lotion and a full size Neutrogena Naturals Lip Balm.

Can't wait to try out the shampoo and conditioner, my hair is utterly dried out at the moment!

I sign up for a lot of free samples, I will definitely be sharing when I get the info for the next one :)

Well, I am wiped out today! We had a fun playdate at the Irvine Spectrum, this cool little place called Camp Safari, and then ate lunch at the Veggie Grill (AWESOME vegan/vegetarian burgers!), THEN the kids decided they wanted to play in the water fountain (fully clothed)... So I did a lot of running around and now I am too tired to write any more!

Til tomorrow...
Ishah xx


  1. Pretty! Can't wait to get mine in the mail too.

  2. Oh I wonder what you'll get! I think the samples are different depending on what you indicated as your interests.

  3. Oh I wonder what you'll get! I think the samples are different depending on what you indicated as your interests.

  4. Pretty! Can't wait to get mine in the mail too.


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